How to rate sellers or products

Good reviews and ratings are extremely important for our sellers, if you are happy with your order please take the time to leave a review if you can to help other buyers know about your product and experience.
How to leave a review
Buyers who were signed into Mayfli when they placed their order can leave feedback by logging into their account>orders and leave a review on the product within their order section.
You are asked to rate your shopping experience from 1-5 stars, one star being disappointing, five stars being outstanding.  If you want, you can also leave a comment about your purchase and photograph of the item you bought.  This is great for other potential buyers to see.
If you have a problem with your purchase we ask that you try and resolve the issue with the seller prior to leaving a review.  If a bad review is left prior to contacting the seller we may look to remove your review.  We would like our sellers to be given the opportunity to rectify the issue prior to a bad review.  If you have a problem organising a refund or replacement with your seller, please contact us at and we will do our best to help.
Guest buyers who don’t have an account with us will receive an email a few days after they received their item asking to review their items.
Changing your review
Occasionally people leave the wrong review or star rating,  please contact us at if you would like to change your review.