
Delivery Guide

Shipping times are set by the individual seller and will vary depending upon the product and the shipping method you have chosen at check out. This is the period within which the seller will post your item. Actual delivery time may vary depending on the method of posting chosen at check out and production time of the product being made, personalised or packed.  Please contact the seller directly if you need you item by a specific date prior to ordering.
Contacting the seller: Use the ‘Ask a question’ button on the shop’s profile page. 
Please note that personalised, bespoke and made-to-order products can take up to 30 days to make.  Dispatch times will be shown on the Sellers Page for each Product.
When your item has been posted Mayfli seller will update the shipping status of the order, and you will receive an automated email telling you it’s on its way.
If you have ordered products from multiple shops on Mayfli, then each item will be dispatched separately, meaning that you may receive your orders on different days in separate packages. 
Mayfli Sellers choose whether to offer Tracked Express, Saturday or International delivery options.
Always check the relevant product page for accurate delivery information. By purchasing an item you agree to the stated delivery date. In the event of any change you’ll be notified of a revised delivery date by email.
If you want more information about delivery for a product that you’ve already ordered, please contact the Seller by using the contact link on your order confirmation email. If you require further assistance please get in touch with us – we’ll be happy to assist.